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It’s Time to Prove Bertrand Russell Wrong: Saint Hubert

India is a “big paradise” in Asia. Exotic culture, priceless art, modern cities, national parks, and friendly people make the India an excellent destination for tourists…a vast space of immense beauty.Throughout the 21st century, India still maintains traditional lifestyle. The Festival of Laxmi is one of the most well-know religious festival in the Hindu Saint Hubert religion.Laxmi is the Goddess of the peace and prosperity. The Festival of Laxmi plays a profound role in the lives of many Indians.
India is known in history as the birthplace of Mohandas K. Gandhi, whose legacy was the democracy. Once Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.


Since 1947, India, an ex British colony, is a democratic country in the Third World. Different from Pakistan(dictatorship), Bhutan Saint Hubert ( absolutist monarchy), Nepal ( absolutist monarchy) and Myanmar ( military dictatorship), India did not have dictators.
From 1900 to 1947, the country had one of the worst famine in the modern history. At that time, India was one of the most poorest Saint Hubert countries in the world. After 1947, the government expanded “The Green Revolution”.During this period of time, India Saint Hubert´s export to world included sugar, corn, and cotton.Since then, India´s economy witnessed the most rapid growth in its history.By the mid-1990s, the economy was industrialized However, India´s human development system is considered among the worst in Asia.


There are many women that have Saint Hubert made themselves known in Bombay or Bangalore and abroad:

Rohini Hattangady (actress); Nandita Das (actress); Nazzia Hassan (singer); Usha Rai (journalist);Balasaraswathi Saint Hubert (dancer); Kavita Srivajtava (women´s rights activist); Jessica Dragonette (actress);Sarojini Naidu (poetess);Devagmita Patnaik (dancer); Shantala Shivalingappa (dancer); Poolan Devi (women´s Saint Hubert rights activist); Indira Gandhi (former Prime Minister of India); Maddhur Jaffrey (actress);Karnan Malleswari (sportswoman); Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (writer) and Shanta Rao (dancer).


India has won five Miss World titles and two Miss Universe titles.

Since 1990, Miss Venezuela and Miss India are rivals in the beauty world.

1966: London, England. Miss India, Rita Faria, was elected Miss World.

1994:Manila (Philippines).Miss India, Shusmita Sen, was crowned Miss Universe